Friday, 6 November 2009

Adolf Hitler was a German football coach, say one in 20 children

I know that today's children know less about History than we would wish but I really think the claims of their ignorance in a survey in today's Daily Telegraph are going too far.

According to a charity called Erskine, which provides nursing and medical care for veterans, one in six children think Auschwitz was a theme park and one in 20 think the Holocaust was a celebration at the end of the war.

The article continues: " in 10 thought the SS stood for Enid Blyton's Secret Seven, and one in 12 believed the Blitz was a European clean-up operation following the Second World War."
2,000 children between the ages of 9 and 15 were surveyed.

As always, we should think about who has carried out the survey to suggest a motive for misrepresenting the true picture.  Clearly this charity have a vested interest to exaggerate.

I think the problem probably lies in how the survey was conducted.  My guess is that they used either multiple-choice or true/false questioning to elicit these responses.

The Telegraph article is at:

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